Thursday, December 17, 2009

Shooting in Argentina

I just want to let everyone that hasn't been to south america wingshooting know, that it is really as awesome as you hear. This is a pic of my father, Wallace Fennell, in a dove field outside of Rio Hondo, Argentina earlier this year....... is trying to look serious, but he is having a blast! We are working with Tucuman Wingshooting [ Dad has been going to Argentina, with them for 6 years]. I went down this September for the first time with them, and it won't be my last! Service was great, people friendly, food was fantastic, cost of the trip was reasonable, and the shooting was unbelievable. I will be making several trips down this coming year, so if you are interested, get in touch! They have world class wingshooting, to include pigeon, ducks, perdiz, and of course doves.

There are so many birds, I can offer instruction on wild birds. More information to follow....




  1. Yep! That is a photo of your dad having an absolutely wonderful time! Your blog looks great!

  2. Wow! How amazing to be able to share that with your dad & congrats on your new blog, Will!

  3. jpnougues@hotmail.comNovember 12, 2010 at 3:08 PM

    Excellent! I worked in TucumanWinshooting, I know your father, great person! greeting!

    Juan Pablo
